martes, 24 de febrero de 2009


cuando pasás toda tu vida intentando decir algo y al final lo dice otra persona, es algo reconfortante.
de veras.

ojalá sientan esto por alguien, alguna vez en sus vidas


since we had changed
rogered spun worked
wept and pissed together
I wake up in the morning
with a dream in my eyes
but you are gone in NY
remembering me Good
I love you I love you
& your brothers are crazy
I accept their drunk cases
it’s too long that I have been alone
it’s too long that I’ve sat up in bed
without anyone to touch me on the knee, man
or woman, I don’t care anymore, I
want love I was born for I want you with me now
ocean liners boiling over the Atlantic
delicate steelwork of unfinished skyscrapers
back end of the dirigible roaring over Lakehurst
six women dancing together on a red stage naked
the leaves are green on all the trees in Paris now
I will be home in two months and look you in the eyes

Paris, May, 1958

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